John Green
2018-11-19 11:55:56 UTC
On Windows 10, using MongoDB 4.1.5, I'm trying to create a wildcard index
It gets to about 15% completion, then I get an error
2018-11-19T06:33:06.690-0500 I COMMAND [conn14] command
monarchDb.documents appName: "MongoDB Shell" command: createIndexes {
createIndexes: "documents", indexes: [ { key: { $**: 1.0 }, name: "$**_1" }
], lsid: { id: UUID("3e9587f3-1652-4d3a-b3c6-a7b5d2393ad5") }, $db:
"monarchDb" } numYields:0 ok:0 errMsg:"error fetching current file
descriptor offset in file \"c:\\data\\mongodb\\test/_tmp/extsort-index.1\":
errno:0 No error" errName:Location50980 errCode:50980 reslen:204 locks:{
Global: { acquireCount: { r: 4, w: 2 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 1,
w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_msg
is this a known issue with a workaround?
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It gets to about 15% completion, then I get an error
2018-11-19T06:33:06.690-0500 I COMMAND [conn14] command
monarchDb.documents appName: "MongoDB Shell" command: createIndexes {
createIndexes: "documents", indexes: [ { key: { $**: 1.0 }, name: "$**_1" }
], lsid: { id: UUID("3e9587f3-1652-4d3a-b3c6-a7b5d2393ad5") }, $db:
"monarchDb" } numYields:0 ok:0 errMsg:"error fetching current file
descriptor offset in file \"c:\\data\\mongodb\\test/_tmp/extsort-index.1\":
errno:0 No error" errName:Location50980 errCode:50980 reslen:204 locks:{
Global: { acquireCount: { r: 4, w: 2 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 1,
w: 2, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_msg
is this a known issue with a workaround?
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