*Hello all I am having issues with getting my MongoDB Charts to go past the
login page after I put in the creds. I am running docker ce version 18.03
and am running mongodb in a docker container from dockerhub with
bind_ip_all. My docker0 interface is so my secret is *
*echo "mongodb://*" | docker secret create charts-mongodb-uri -
Both the mongodb container and charts container is running from my linux
host machine with the docker CE installed on it.
*In the charts-docker-compose yml file I have the following:version:
"3.3"services: charts: image: quay.io/mongodb/charts:v0.9.0
hostname: charts ports: # host:container port mapping. If you want
MongoDB Charts to be # reachable on a different port on the docker
host, change this # to <port>:80, e.g. 8888:80. - 8889:80
volumes: - keys:/mongodb-charts/volumes/keys -
db-certs:/mongodb-charts/volumes/db-certs environment: # This
environment variable controls the built-in support widget and #
metrics collection in MongoDB Charts. To disable both, set the value #
to "off". The default is "on". CHARTS_SUPPORT_WIDGET_AND_METRICS:
"on" # Directory where you can upload SSL certificates (.pem format)
which # should be considered trusted self-signed or root certificates
when # Charts is accessing MongoDB servers with ?ssl=true
SSL_CERT_DIR: /mongodb-charts/volumes/db-certs networks: -
backend secrets: - charts-mongodb-urinetworks: backend:volumes:
keys: db-certs:secrets: charts-mongodb-uri: external: trueOn the
docker host I am connecting to the URL via port 8889 using the url of
http://localhost:8889/ I also tried which works
fine with no problem. However my issue is when I input the email and
password into its field and click login button, nothing happens. From the
charts-cli add user command I am adding a user with the UserAdmin role. It
seems the only two user options are UserAdmin and User anyways. *
docker exec -it $(docker container ls --filter name=_charts -q) charts-cli add-user --first-name "tim" --last-name "jones" --email "***@trail.com" --password "changepass" --role "UserAdmin"
*Log file shows this which looks good: *
* mongodb-***@work | â encryptionKeyPath
mongodb-***@work | â tokens
mongodb-***@work | â stitchConfigTemplate
mongodb-***@work | â stitchConfig
mongodb-***@work | â stitchConfigWritten
(true) mongodb-***@work | â mongoDBReachable
(true) mongodb-***@work | â
stitchChildProcess mongodb-***@work | â
stitchServerRunning (true) mongodb-***@work |
â stitchAdminCreated (true) mongodb-***@work
| â stitchUnconfigured (true)
mongodb-***@work | â stitchSetup ({
stitchBaseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080', stitchAppId:
'5b758bdccc18890011b1082d', stitchClientAppId: 'mongodb-charts-hrpkg',
stitchGroupId: '5b5b2bdccc18890011b13c6a' })
mongodb-***@work | â stitchServerQuitting
(true) mongodb-***@work | â webConfigWritten
(true) mongodb-***@work | â stitchServerQuit
(true) mongodb-***@work | â supervisorStarted
(true)The charts-cli.log file looks good too:***@charts:/# cat
/mongodb-charts/logs/charts-cli.log2018-08-16T19:34:00.245+00:00 INFO
called charts-cli startup with arguments
INFO encryptionKeyPath task success2018-08-16T19:34:00.324+00:00 INFO
tokens task success2018-08-16T19:34:00.326+00:00 INFO stitchConfigTemplate
task success2018-08-16T19:34:00.330+00:00 INFO stitchConfig task
success2018-08-16T19:34:00.341+00:00 INFO stitchConfigWritten task success
(true)2018-08-16T19:34:00.426+00:00 INFO waiting for MongoDB, attempt #1
to connect to MongoDB at mongodb://
WARN waiting for MongoDB, successfully connected to MongoDB at
mongodb:// after 1 attempts.2018-08-16T19:34:00.682+00:00 WARN
waiting for Stitch to start, attempt #1 to connecto to Stitch server at
http://localhost:80802018-08-16T19:34:00.682+00:00 WARN waiting for Stitch
to start, attempt #1 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED WARN waiting for Stitch to
start, attempt #2 to connecto to Stitch server at
http://localhost:80802018-08-16T19:34:00.682+00:00 WARN waiting for Stitch
to start, attempt #2 failed: connect ECONNREFUSED INFO waiting for Stitch to
start, successfully connected to Stitch at http://localhost:8080 after 2
attempts. ...........2018-08-16T19:34:00.682+00:00 INFO called charts-cli
add-user with arguments......2018-08-16T19:34:00.682+00:00 INFO user
***@trail.com has been added with role UserAdminI am not sure as to why
the login is not working. When I put in an incorect password it prompts for
a valid email/password entry. But when I put in the correct values it does
nothing after clicking login *
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